
3/8" Air pressure regulator for compressed air compressor w/ gauge R503

$23.99 USD

New 3/8" Air Pressure Regulator  105 CFM flowrate  w/ free gauge.

Comes Complete with metal wall mount/bracket also included.

Factory set pressure 7 - 150 psi  and is adjustable. 200 psi max input pressure recommended. Regulator is equipped with an adjustable turn knob. Simply lift the knob to adjust the pressure, then press down to lock into place to set your desired pressure.

3/8" FPT Inlet  x  3/8" FPT Outlet

(1) Gauge port 1/4"  - gauge included

Installation and Opertaing instructions are included with each unit

A pressure regulator's primary function is to match the flow of gas through the regulator to the demand for gas placed upon the system. If the load flow decreases, then the regulator flow must decrease also. If the load flow increases, then the regulator flow must increase in order to keep the controlled pressure from decreasing due to a shortage of gas in the pressure system.

Brand New !!!!